Here are examples of help we may need on a regular basis at THC. A "day" for some of these things might only be two or three hours, scheduled so people are not bumping into each other in our limited space. And, some of these jobs don't have to be done at the Center. An overall director or coordinator will provide the vision and coordinate volunteers in close collaboration with the City of Tualatin Volunteer Coordinator. The THS board will provide overall policy oversight, in liaison with the City. Please contact us at 503.885.1926 if you would like to volunteer.
Volunteer opportunities include but not limited to the following:
Docent Interpreting
Tualatin history, culture, natural environment to visiting groups, depending on needs of group and interest of volunteer (as needed). Requires considerable study in advance.
Living History Presenter
Persons willing to study and assume the role of a local resident from another era and describe life during that period, with appropriate dress (as needed). Requires extensive research and period-appropriate “props”.
Being a Presenter
Sharing an interesting topic, skill, hobby, trip (perhaps one time only)
Garden Tenders
Preparing, planting, watering, harvesting, cleaning up our garden/orchard (seasonal). We really need help in this area.
Background planning for future exhibits.
Help plan, carry out events/campaigns for operational funds, follow up with donors (two days/week)
Contact Larry Mclure for more information at or
(503) 885-1926